An Invitation Letter:
When Participants Reach Out
Their Arms
to Invite You into Their Warm Embrace
An Invitation Letter:
When Participants Reach Out Their Arms
to Invite You into Their Warm Embrace
When Participants Reach Out Their Arms
to Invite You into Their Warm Embrace

Thesis book
Tzu Chi, a large-scale new religious organisation in Taiwan, is taken as the research focus of this paper and its self-made documentary television series are used as the research basis. Not only does documentary have the ability to mobilise and build awareness about social issues, it also reflects the interaction between the community culture and individual participants. This paper first defines the meaning of new religious communities, then refers to the sociological theory of collective action frames on the exploration of social communities’ intentions and the methods they use while trying to communicate with the outside world, and further analyses the cultural background during the formation of the concept of Tzu Chi and its special community culture: learning from the models. That is, in this paper, documentary is regarded as a medium that uses role models to create narratives and further lead to certain desired behaviours.
此論文聚焦於台灣大型新興組織——慈濟自製的紀錄片類型電視節目作為分析基準。紀錄片具有社會議題動員的能力,同時也反映出團體文化與個體參與者之間的互動關係。此論文先界定了新興宗教團體的意涵,再引薦社會學觀點“collective action frame”探討社會團體嘗試對外界溝通時的意圖及方法,接著剖析慈濟理念形成的文化背景及特殊風氣:向楷模學習。將紀錄型影片視為利用行為楷模來營造敘事,進一步引發行為導向的媒介。